
No-Knead Bread

There’s nothing like a smell of freshly baked bread. When I’m really hungry what first comes to my mind are not some exotic dishes, it is just simple, fresh, fragrant and chewy domestic bread. Most of the store bought breads really don’t fit this description. Instead they are commonly light and tasteless, with no flavor at all. Using a bread machine takes it one step closer, but not quite far enough. Perhaps making the bread from scratch is the only right thing to do.

While most of people generally would agree with me, they choose not to care enough and rather avoid baking altogether. Why? I think they make some of common self-defeating assumptions: baking requires some prior knowledge and experience; baking takes a substantial effort and time. True, there are more complex and then there are some simpler recipes. If you are not too crazy about baking, pick the simple recipe. No-knead bread falls into this category.

This is a bread that is extraordinary flavorful, has a wonderful aroma and a crispy crust. What else would anyone want from a good bread? To make it even more appealing, baking it, doesn’t require any special skill. All you need are basic bread ingredients: flour, salt, yeast, water, and ceramic or cast iron baking dish. As bread’s name indicates there is no kneading. The one and only thing you will need to do is plan your time carefully so you are at home when bread is ready for baking. Can it be any simpler?

Total process from the time you mix up all the ingredients until bread is ready for baking takes about 19 hours. At first glance this may seem discouraging but keep in mind that only 5-10 min. is actual direct work. The rest is just passive or waiting time.

Translated in simple terms: if you know you will be at home at say 5:00 pm, you will simply mix up all the ingredients about 18 hours prior to it, or at about 11:00 pm night before.

It is a pretty simple process to follow and the bread is fantastic. Try it and let me know how you liked it!

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No-Knead Bread
A simple home made, rustic bread.
Course Bake
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 72 minutes
Passive Time 19.5 hours
Course Bake
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 72 minutes
Passive Time 19.5 hours
  1. In a medium size mixing bowl mix up all the ingredients with a wooden spoon. Make sure that there are no dry pockets left in the dough. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave it for 18 hrs in a warm, draft free place. The best is in a cool oven.
  2. Dust the counter generously and after taking the dough out of the bowl gently level the dough with your finger tips, make a flat rectangular shape, about 2.5 cm (1") thick. Use as much flour as needed to prevent the dough sticking.
  3. Fold each side of stretched dough inwards like an envelope. Turn the dough upside down, with all the joints down and smooth surface on the top. Dust the plastic wrap to prevent sticking, cover the dough and let rest for 15 minutes.
  4. Transfer the dough into a proofing basket. If you don't have a proofing basket line the clean mixing bowl with well floured kitchen towel. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 1.5 hrs.
  5. Put a covered baking dish in the oven and heat it up at 260 ºC (500 ºF). I used Lodge 5 quart cast iron Dutch Oven as a baking dish. The dish has to be blazing hot when you are ready to put the dough in.
  6. Put the dough in the baking dish, cover and bake 57 minutes at 260 ºC (500 ºF).
  7. Reduce temperature to 232 ºC (450 ºF), remove the lid and bake for another 15 minutes.
  8. Let the bread cool off for couple of hours on a cooling rack.
  9. Enjoy!
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