These days, being on my Spring low carb diet, I normally bake 5-6 chicken breasts at once. Freshly baked chicken breasts are delicious but what about leftovers? Having a couple days old baked chicken breast can be a meal you do not look forward to. By then it is fairly dry and bland-tasting, without much flavor left. I know this is a very common scenario for many, so what to do? Actually it is pretty simple and in 10-15 minutes we can reinvigorate this rich source of protein, give it flavor and make it into a full dish.

This dish will include all required components for a healthy meal: protein, carbs and veggies. In simple terms, over lightly fried anchovies and garlic, I steam baby spinach. Thinly sliced chicken breasts are added and cooked for few minutes to warm up and pick up the flavors. At the same time, rice is cooked with cardamom seeds and star anise. Within 10 minutes it is all done. Rice is fluffed up and covered with spinach/chicken combo. Delicious!
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My Way Chicken
A quick and spicy meal.
Main Dish
Over medium heat, preheat olive oil in large skillet with a lid.
Add anchovies to the skillet and stir until they dissolve, about 1 minute.
Add chopped garlic and fry for about 1 minute.
Add washed spinach leaves after you run them through the salad spinner. Gently turn over the spinach, coating it with the oil, garlic and anchovies. Cover the pan and let it cook for about one minute. Uncover and after stirring, cover again for another minute.
Uncover the skillet and add ground pepper and crushed hot pepper, stir gently.
Add a cut chicken breast and mix with the spinach. Cook for about 3-4 minutes stirring occasionally or until the chicken pieces start browning.
Spread over the plate of fluffed rice and enjoy!
Wash rice until the water comes out clear.
In a small pot with lid, add rice, salt, ground pepper, cardamom pods and star anise. Add water twice the volume of rice, in this case 250 ml (1 cup) of water.
Cover the pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Reduce to low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
Remove and discard cardamom pods and star anise. Fluff up rice with fork and serve.
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