
Steak in Red Wine Sauce – Bifteck Marchand de Vin

Generally speaking steaks are a fair weather staple whereby I cook them seasonally on the charcoal barbecue. That is where they are at their best, with tender and juicy texture and smoky flavour. However, there are few steak recipes characterized mainly by their accompanied sauces which give them somewhat of a more sophisticated dimension and are suited for stove top preparation. Unsurprisingly these recipes are the product of what else but fine French cuisine!

“Bifteck Marchand de Vin” recipe is from Savoring France cookbook that I bought nearly 20 years ago at the Cherry Hill Village Mall. I was still exploring my interests and remember browsing through a front store display where I found and bought couple of my first cookbooks, this one and Flavors of Tuscany. Admittedly at the time I bought both books more for their beautiful and appealing food photography and interesting overviews of various regional cuisines than for their recipes. I guess I just assumed the design appeal somehow guaranteed recipe quality. No doubt that was a little naïve thinking to say the least, but luckily both of them turned out to be dependable sources of  tasty recipes that I enjoyed making over the years.

My kids loved this recipe ever since I made it first time when they were little. Over the years my appetite for recipes broadened and my skill set improved. I cooked many interesting recipes and occasionally an exceptional dish, but interestingly this one stuck in their memory as “the one”. I have been asked many times to repeat it. Well, there it is I made the “Bifteck Marchand de Vin”  for two weekends in a row and it was absolutely delicious!



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Steak in Red Wine Sauce - Bifteck Marchand de Vin
Steak with shallots in a red wine sauce!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Passive Time 5 minutes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Passive Time 5 minutes
  1. Prepare, measure, grind and mince all the ingredients: salt, pepper, thyme, shallots, butter, wine, parsley,
  2. Trim the steaks from excess fat and using a paper towel pat them dry. Put the steak between two pieces of plastic wrap and tenderize it with mallet. Gently beat the steak to about 1/2" (10-12 mm) even thickness.
  3. Sprinkle each steak side with salt, pepper and thyme. Make sure you press the sides gently so the seasoning sticks.
  4. Heat large and heavy, non stick skillet over medium high heat (8 out of 10). Add 1 tbsp of butter and as it melts and starts sizzling add the steaks to the pan.
  5. Sear the steaks for about 2.5 to 3 minutes per side turning only once.
  6. Transfer the steaks to the plate and cover with aluminum foil.
  7. Reduce heat to low and add minced shallots to the skillet. Sauté until translucent for a minute or two, add wine and deglaze the skillet. Cook briefly until wine is reduced by half, stir in remaining 1 tbsp of butter.
  8. Plate the steak, pour over the sauce, garnishing with chopped fresh parsley and serve immediately!
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