
Roasted Chicken with Leeks

It is about this time in the year that I usually engage into what I would call my annual body fat trimming routine. For about 8-10 weeks I make changes to my diet that in general reflect lower calorie intake and increased protein consumption. It goes without saying that desserts, breads, etc. are off limits during this time. I still perform the same exercises as during the rest of the year but with addition of a 20 min cardio routine. The cardio part is done 5 times per week and routinely at the end of exercise. By that time, the body has already used most of its blood sugar and to provide energy for cardio, it will reach to the spare energy storage; body fat.

I tried this already several times and it works like a charm. If everything is done properly and faithfully, without cheating, I lose roughly about 1/2 kg (1 lb) of body fat per week. This is with minimum or without any loss of muscle mass or otherwise it would not have much value, at least not to me. There is no mystery diet here; it is widely known as “Low Carb Diet”. It works perfectly for me since I am in satisfactory shape and do not want to lose more than 4-5 kg (~10 lb). It takes a different approach for those wanting to lose more than that.

Since carb intake is drastically reduced, there is more emphasis on protein and vegetables. The danger here is that this tends to become boring quickly. Eating skinless chicken breasts, fish and eggs almost exclusively, can become bit of a challenge unless meals are planed properly and made tasty and diverse as much as reasonably possible.

Accordingly, the following recipe is very simple and quick to make but very tasty. General recipe formula is pretty basic: mix some veggies with chicken breast, season, add few spices and bake it. In this recipe leeks are dominant player on vegetable side. They soften up and during baking, producing a nice aroma and sweetish taste. Furthermore I would say the recipe is a perfect candidate for anyone looking for a quick and healthy homemade protein filled dish.

If you are not on diet, just add a side of baked potatoes or rice with a salad of your choice. To me, overpriced restaurant meals do not come even close to this dish and this is at a fraction of the cost.

This is a recipe adapted from Jamie Oliver and if you like it you also might want to check out One Hour Chicken with Butternut Squash and Chili 

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Roasted Chicken with Leeks
A delicious chicken recipe.
Course Main Dish
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Course Main Dish
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
  1. Preheat the oven to 200 °C (400°F) and place the rack in the middle.
  2. In a large bowl, add all the ingredients. Remove the leaves from 3-4 thyme springs and add to the bowl. Toss it together with your hands.
  3. Place all the flavorings in the tray and spread around. Place chicken breasts on top, wrap with smoked bacon strip, and add a whole thyme spring on top of each breast. Drizzle with olive oil.
  4. Cook for about 45 - 50 minutes
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