
Water Ganache Truffles

It is a well known fact that even a little water mixed with melted chocolate will make it become grainy and solid. That is why one has to be careful and use dried tools when working with melted chocolate in recipes. However, if more water is added, the chocolate becomes fluid again. Do not fear mixing a simmering water and sugar mixture with chocolate. It will turn the chocolate into a shiny, thick ganache that will be a delicious base for making truffles.

Being water based, these truffles have a little fat but still have a pronounced chocolate taste. They are extremely easy to make and possess a rewarding rich chocolate flavor. It is a real treat for chocolate lovers!

These truffles will hold up well up to a week if kept refrigerated in a sealed container. They are at their best when served at room temperature.

The recipe has been adapted from a professional chocolatier Paul A. Young.

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Water Ganache Truffles
Truffles that are easy and inexpensive to make!
Course Dessert
Cuisine British
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 5 minutes
Passive Time 2 hours
Course Dessert
Cuisine British
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 5 minutes
Passive Time 2 hours
Water Ganache
  1. On a cutting board cut the chocolate in small pieces and put in a medium size mixing bowl.
  2. In a small sauce pan add water and sugar. Over medium heat (5 out of 10) bring to simmer (about 95 ºC or 203ºF).
  3. Pour the sugary water solution over the chocolate and whisk constantly until completely melted.
  4. Cover the bowl with plastic film and let cool in refrigerator for 2 hours.
  1. Add cocoa to a medium size mixing bowl. Dip fingers of both hands in cocoa powder.
  2. Break off a piece of cooled water ganache mass. Between your fingers form a rough ball like shape with about 1 cm (1/2") diameter. Put aside on a wax paper.
  3. Repeat the process until the whole ganache is used. You will end up, depending on size, with 30-40 truffle balls.
  4. Transfer 10-15 balls at a time to the bowl with cocoa and gently roll them around to coat with cocoa. Take the balls out and store in the fridge in a sealed container.
Recipe Notes
  • Use just your fingers to shape and roll the truffle. Fingers have a lower temperature than palms and will not melt the chocolate.
  • You can keep ganache in the fridge up to a week and make truffles as needed rather than all at once. The ganache will have to be tempered after is taken out of the fridge before it can be worked with.
  • Truffles are served at room temperature.
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  • Reply
    December 8, 2022 at 11:51 am

    How long can you keep the truffles before they go off?

    • Reply
      December 29, 2022 at 10:53 am

      It is up to one week if kept refrigerated in a sealed container.

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