Stretching dough procedure:
Pick the dough up from the table cloth, being careful not to tear it. Put both of your hands in the middle, and let the dough rest on top of your bent down wrists, draping down over your knuckles. Gently spread your hands apart by 10-15 cm (4″-5″), stretching the dough. Rotate the dough and repeat. When the dough becomes big and cumbersome to work with place it carefully flat on the table cloth. Again insert your both hands under the dough in the same manner as before, having the dough resting on top of your bent down wrists. Only this time hands are not in the middle but 10-15 cm (4′-5″) in from the edge. Stretch the dough by pulling gently both hands towards you. As you pulling towards you at the same time keep spreading hands apart from each other. This way you will be stretching the dough in two directions at the same time. Repeat the same process around the dough perimeter until only 10-15 cm from the dough edge remains unstretched. At that point, use the tips of your fingers, palms up, to gently pull on the edge in small increments as you work around perimeter until completely stretched. Don’t lift it up; it is easier to work if you maintain a low angle where stretching the dough is kept almost level to the table top.